I guess I have a lot to say today - two entries in one day - go me! I recently picked up the book - Style Statement - by Carrie McCarthy & Danielle LaPorte. It is basically a book on how to figure out your personal style, your being, your authentic self. I know what you are thinking...hokey right? I am the first to be sceptical about things like this, but boy was I wrong! Content aside - the esthetic of the book is gorgeous. The images, the fonts, and page compositions are so inspiring in themselves...score 1 for the book. Secondly, it asks you a series of questions that you just wouldn't ask yourself and it becomes this soul searching journey - but in a fun way. I love questions like...the most ridiculous purchase I ever made...I looked most fabulous when... and my evil twin would be someone like...It is like homework but something you look forward to doing!
The point of the book is to figure out your two words, your foundation word and your creative edge word. Your foundation is your being, your first nature, it is what the core of you feels like. The second word describes the impression you like to make, it is how you do what you do. Your foundation makes up 80% of you and your creative edge - the remaining 20%. I know I am not doing the explanation justice - you'll just have to take my word for it, and buy the book :)
Regardless, these words are going to help you to figure out your personal style, your home decor taste, what works and what doesn't and it just became so clear to me once I finished the book. I have the tendency to flip flop - hence my bedroom makeover decisions...and I can now be very clear of what works best for me. Not that I don't like all different kinds of styles, but I know what will last now in my wardrobe and in my surroundings - what will stand the test of time and not be a purchase that I regret and give away 6 months from now.
Are you ready to hear my two words...get ready...this is a biggie :) I am Comfortable/Harmony...yahoo! It just resonated with my whole soul and describes me to a tee. I am now on a rampage and so excited to reach my full potential! I went through my closet last night and removed all my little tight tops, my clingy and constrictive fabrics and uncomfortable shoes that I NEVER wear...No wonder I feel most awful wearing a business suit...it is SO not me.
I also went through my binders last night in which contain my magazine cutouts of decor I like, and I pared it down to what resonates with comfort and it just clicked...a light bulb when off in my head...I feel so empowered that I can make the right design decisions now and really love the end result. I now know that the nature/bird motif bedding is the absolute right choice for me...I couldn't be more confident that I am making the right choices now in where I shop for clothes, decor and how I organize my life...Hmmm, I wonder if my husband would be as excited if he know how much money I paid for the birdie pillow for the bedroom...I'll never tell...
great post, thanks for sharing!
i just did my style statement 2 weeks ago (i'm a new addition to their team) - and much like you, went on a bit of a rampage throwing away all the clothes that no longer suited me - my second word is 'playful', so what the heck was I doing with a closet full of black and grey clothing?! now I'm on a hunt for the perfect bright coloured scarf and handbag :-)
what a refreshing post - thanks again!
Glad you liked it - I love knowing my new 'style'...makes perfect sense really!
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