Sunday, March 15, 2009

A bunch of cool chicks

So I am the first person to admit I procrastinate...I procrastinate sometimes it just takes a little boost to get me going and then when I am in the 'zone' watch out! I think sometimes when you are in a funk you need to surround yourself with like minded people to bounce ideas off of and get you back on track.

After little Finn was born, obviously I had a lot on my plate and now that I am getting back into the swing I felt a little lost. A little out of sorts on my passion...what was my passion, what am I doing to push my career forward, what can I do to feel fresh and add life to my business?

This past weekend I met my Ladies Who Launch group of chicks who I am so happy to have met through the program and now we try to meet every month or so to catch up and see what cool projects we are working on. This time we met for high tea at the Windsor Arms right off Bloor in the the big smoke, and we had scones and petit fours and yummy tea...and did I mention the scones? OK I am badly off track now, where was I? Oh yes, the we went around the table chatting about what we have been up to with our business ideas/businesses and then the ideas were flying. It was great.

So when it came time for moi I was a little nervous as I really hadn't done much aside from popping out a baby. I have started back to work and have some projects that I am working on, but I didn't feel I had too much to annouce. When I started my monologue I was suprised that yes I did have cool stuff to chat about, and it made me feel back in the game and on track to my goals. I also had this new idea for a mommy blog which everyone really encouraged me to start and I left feeling really motivated and excited about my business and my life.

I think the moral of this long winded story is that you really have to surround yourself with people who encourage you and who are quite like minded as they are the people who have a million things on the go just like you and they are the ones who push you to be the person you really strive to be. I just wanted to thank my cool chicks for the pep talk and I hope they felt as excited as I did after guzzling back a few jugs of tea.

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